Let's begin with one of my favorite restaurants (that I've never actually tried) in central London:
Yes my friends...It's the S & M (sausage and mash) Cafe. It's over by Brick Lane (where you go to have too many Indian restaurants to choose from), and every time I pass it, I laugh. Liam made fun of me for being touristy when I finally remembered to get a picture of it. Touristy shmouristy.
Our next exhibit is:
It's a front seat view from what Liam calls 'the most exciting thing in London'...the Dockland's Light Rail which travels without a driver. And, no, Diana, sadly enough the DLR is not free. However, it is included in your Tube pass...so....kind of? We traveled for about 3 minutes of pure bliss just like this, until we had to change trains and could not find such a sweet seat on the next one. Could you ask for more though? Really?
Next we turn our attention to a more obvious tourist attraction:
The Millennium Bridge that connects St. Paul's with the slightly less reverent Tate Modern is quite a site to behold after the sun goes down. One day before Christmas, Liam and I trekked across to enjoy the Holiday Frost Fest. We bundled up ready for Christmas tunes, Mulled wine, and general holiday cheer. We got the mulled wine and even roasted chestnuts (delicious), but the closest we came to Holiday music was La Bamba and then later some African Tribal something or other...I think. We did not find the promised Husky rides...although we might've been a little too big.
Here's a picture that Diana might disown me for:
She and the lovely Liam are standing on the Underground Platform at Camden town. I can't quite remember why we were here, or where we were going, but I was still suffering from the awful cold sads. Woo Hoo for the Underground.
Diana, let me redeem myself with this picture of you and me:
We've just been for a walk in the spitting cold rain and are settling down with the Manchester Crew at a touristy pub on the country-side. I've just gotten my camera and am taking pictures of everything.
Here's a lovely view from that walk in the Delamere Forest:
well..kind of a swampy area in the middle of it all. I stopped taking pictures soon after this one because of the rain.
Bear with me, as I know many of these are outdated..but I feel you deserve some visuals.
Here's a Christmasy shot of Liam's friends from Manchester, Jack and Ben after the rain and in the pub to warm up with a bitter and a log burning fire.
Another picture Diana will love me for:
Taken in the front room of Liam's parents' home shortly after Diana's triumphant arrival in Manchester, UK.
And finally:
Because as long as you have a suit jacket, it doesn't matter what you wear. You're fit to be hired(yes, I know my room needs to be cleaned).